Art4: Art Appreciation

Group Presentation of Art Movements


Examples of Art movements:


1. The Rococo:                 

2. Neoclassicism:

3. Romanticism:

4. Realism:

5. Impressionism:

6. Post-Impressionism:

  1. Cubism
  2. Fauvism

9. Expressionism

  1. Futurism
  2. Dada/Surrealism
  3. Pop/Minimalism


*The following contents of art movement(s) should be presented by your group members with visual information such as slides, color prints, reproduction, videos, etc. (Check the slide library of Ayres 205!)


Outline of your group presentation:


I.               Introduction

II.        Background


A.   Development: Time line of basic artistic influences and cultural context.

B.    Motivation: The movement’s (artist’s) intentions and purposes.


III.           Body: Using different types of art works in the movement, describe and analyze artists’ use of the following:


A.   Style

B.    Visual structures and organization

C.   Subject matter

D.   Materials and processes


IV.          Conclusion: What innovations or new ideas did the movement (artists) bring to the art world? What other movements (artists) have been influenced by their work?